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Paragon Adaptive Restore 2010 Personal Edition Advanced Recovery CD based

Paragon Adaptive Restore 2010 Personal Edition Advanced Recovery CD based

Добавлен 04.08.2010 в категорию Программы

Paragon Adaptive Restore является мощным дополнительным инструментом для системы миграции, которая поможет вам легко перенести основную систему на виртуальную среду (P2V) от основной... Как полезный бонус, Paragon Adaptive Restore позволит вам успешно перенести систему Windows на другой аппаратной платформе (P2P), позволит автоматически ввести все необходимые драйвера, что имеет решающее значение для миграции такого рода.

How It Works

Successful migration of a Win2K system to a different hardware platform involves several actions:
* Change of the Windows kernel settings according to the new configuration. We detect the given hardware profile and automatically install the appropriate Windows HAL and kernel.
* Installation of drivers for boot critical devices. We detect those without drivers and automatically try to install lacking drivers from the built-in Windows repository. If there’s no driver in the repository, we prompt the user to set a path to an additional driver repository, strongly recommending not to proceed until all drivers for the found boot critical devices are installed. In case drivers for these devices are installed, but disabled, they will be enabled.
* Installation of drivers for a PS/2 mouse and keyboard. This action will only be accomplished for Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003.
* Installation of drivers for network cards. We detect those without drivers and automatically try to install lacking drivers from the built-in Windows repository. If there’s no driver in the repository, we prompt the user to set a path to an additional driver repository.

Why Paragon Adaptive Restore

* Unlike competitors all our flagship products include this technology by default
* We analyze all installed drivers inside a target system to report on devices without drivers
* We search for and install lacking drivers from the built-in Windows repository
* We notify you about boot critical devices without drivers (HDD/RAID controllers, etc.), automatically prompting to provide a path to a driver repository
* We name all devices according to their model description, not some alphanumeric code, which requires additional deciphering
* We determine and install drivers not only for boot critical devices, but for physically connected NICs as well

Key Use Cases

* Migration to a different hardware platform with minimal effort
* Smooth hardware upgrade without re-installing Windows and all applications
* Replacement of failed hardware by not an exact match for the original system specifications

Размер: 177 Mb
ОС: 2000/XP/Vista/7
Интерфейс: English
Таблэтка: присутствует

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