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ATI Catalyst Drivers v 10.7

ATI Catalyst Drivers v 10.7

Добавлен 10.08.2010 в категорию Программы

ATI Catalyst Drivers — пакет фирменных драйверов Catalyst для видеокарт производства ATI, предлагающий широкий набор функций и надежный контроль работоспособности видеокарт ATI Radeon. Пакет включает полный набор видеодрайверов, Multimedia Center, Remote Wonder, Catalyst Control Center и другие утилиты.

Изменения в последней версии:
Windows Vista/7 (x64/x86):
# New Features
This section provides information on new features found in this release of the ATI Radeon™ Display Driver. These include the following:
* ATI Eyefinity - HydraVision enhancements
- Maximizing a window across displays will now take user defined bezel compensation into account
- Automatically adjusts window position when dragging and dropping windows to ensure title bar visibility
- Proper dialog box placement - dialogs do not cross displays, are not hidden behind bezels, and can be designated to be shown on the users “preferred” display
* Enhanced Pull-down detection
- The Pull-down detection algorithm has been enhanced for higher visual quality on certain types of video content
- Supported on the ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 Series
* ATI CrossFireX™ technology – support for rotated displays
- This release of ATI Catalyst™ enables end users running supported ATI CrossFireX™ configurations to rotate their displays (single or ATI Eyefinity display configurations) and still enjoy the performance benefits of ATI CrossFireX™ technology
* ATI Radeon GPU acceleration of VLC 1.1.1 Media Player
- Enables GPU acceleration of h.264 video content when using the VLC 1.1.1 Media Player – delivering a better user experience by consuming less system resources
- Supported on the ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 and ATI Radeon™ HD 4000 Series of products
- Requires VLC version 1.1.1 and later

# Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™ 10.7:
* Borderlands
- Performance increases 3-5% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 and ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 series single card and CrossFire™ configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled
- Performance increases 3-8% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5970 single card and CrossFire™ configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled
- Performance increases 2-6% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5600 and ATI Radeon™ HD 5500 series single card configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled
- Performance increases 2-10% on ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 series single card and CrossFire™ configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled

# All Systems
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows. These include:
* "Current Setting" indicator will now appear when "Windows desktop" option is selected in "Catalyst™ Control Center - Basic" for specific CV resolutions

# Windows Vista
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:
* ATI Stream (CAL) test no longer exits with exception error under CrossFire™ configurations

# Windows 7
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows 7. These include:
* "Desktop Window Manager has stopped working" error no longer appears after driver installation on specific cards
* ATI Stream (CAL) test no longer exits with exception error under CrossFire™ configurations
* Screen no longer turns blank when flashlight is turned on in "The Chronicles of Riddick 2" with Screen Space Ambient Occlusion enabled
* Running Unigine Heaven 2.1 (OpenGL) with "Tessellation" enabled no longer causes system to fail
* Player no longer exits abruptly while changing basic quality settings in Catalyst™ Control Center
* Browser no longer fails after repeated system suspend/resume and video playback pauses while viewing YouTube content

Windows XP (x64/x86):
# New Features
This section provides information on new features found in this release of the ATI Radeon™ Display Driver. These include the following:
* ATI Eyefinity - HydraVision enhancements
- Maximizing a window across displays will now take user defined bezel compensation into account
- Automatically adjusts window position when dragging and dropping windows to ensure title bar visibility
- Proper dialog box placement - dialogs do not cross displays, are not hidden behind bezels, and can be designated to be shown on the users “preferred” display
* Enhanced Pull-down detection
- The Pull-down detection algorithm has been enhanced for higher visual quality on certain types of video content
- Supported on the ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 Series
* ATI CrossFireX™ technology – support for rotated displays
- This release of ATI Catalyst™ enables end users running supported ATI CrossFireX™ configurations to rotate their displays (single or ATI Eyefinity display configurations) and still enjoy the performance benefits of ATI CrossFireX™ technology
* ATI Radeon GPU acceleration of VLC 1.1.1 Media Player
- Enables GPU acceleration of h.264 video content when using the VLC 1.1.1 Media Player – delivering a better user experience by consuming less system resources
- Supported on the ATI Radeon™ HD 5000 and ATI Radeon™ HD 4000 Series of products
- Requires VLC version 1.1.1 and later

# Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™ 10.7:
* Borderlands
- Performance increases 3-5% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 and ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 series single card and CrossFire™ configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled
- Performance increases 3-8% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5970 single card and CrossFire™ configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled
- Performance increases 2-6% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5600 and ATI Radeon™ HD 5500 series single card configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled
- Performance increases 2-10% on ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 series single card and CrossFire™ configurations when anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering is enabled

# All Systems
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows. These include:
* "Current Setting" indicator will now appear when "Windows desktop" option is selected in "Catalyst™ Control Center - Basic" for specific CV resolutions

# Windows XP
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite for Windows XP. These include:
* "Age Of Empires: The Rise of Rome" no longer fails and display error message when the diplomacy button is clicked
* Flickering no longer observed when task switching between game and desktop with Alt+Tab in "Need for Speed: Shift" game

Информация о файле:
Операционная система: Windows All
Тип лицензии: Freeware
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Multilanguage
Размер: 241.57 MB

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